Complete Fundraising Platform
Continue supporting your cause! Oktion is giving you a complete fundraising platform to help you raise more for your cause. Use Oktion to maximize your revenue, engage your guests and take your fundraising events and silent auctions to the next level. Here’s how it works: Sign your organization up to Oktion for free. Set up your online auction with an item lots and choose a start and end date and time. Invite your guests to start bidding or make donations. Raise more and exceed your fundraising targets! Your online auction comes with an automated payment process, so you can collect the funds raised without doing any extra administration work. Oktion simplifies the entire online auction process to help you focus on what matters most. Start engaging your guests and crush your fundraising goals. Sign up to Oktion now. The Oktion app is available to use for free for your first event if you sign up within the next 3 months. Once you sign up, you can use Oktion for free any time in th...